Awards and Affiliations of Barnomala Events

Category: Brands

Qawmi Bazar is a dedicated platform uniting Qaumi scholars and businesspeople in the pursuit of halal livelihood. Find your trusted seller here, offering essential products at competitive prices across the country. From pure honey, cold-pressed mustard oi

Category: Brands

Noyabazar XYZ is a directory site that helps users find businesses, services, and essential information in one place. It provides an organized listing for easy access and navigation.

Category: Brands

American Best IT Ltd. is a full-service internet marketing agency in Dhaka Bangladesh. Focused mainly on web marketing, but also includes positive UX design, marketing strategy, content development, local SEO, social media, video production

Category: Brands

Barnomala Architects & Interior is a full-service interior design firm specializing in creating innovative and functional spaces for residential and commercial clients. With over a decade of experience in the industry

Category: Brands

business ventures, and a not for profit social enterprise. As of now, the Group currently employs more than three thousand five hundred people directly and a further fifty thousand indirectly as suppliers, contractors, dealers and retailers.

Total Listing: 5

Ready to make your next event unforgettable?

Our Service Area

Barnomala Events proudly serves all over Bangladesh, specializing in event management services in Dhaka, Chattogram, and Sylhet. Our experienced and skilled professional team ensures top-notch event planning and coordination. Every event is customized to meet local needs. We maintain the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

Bangladesh Map